Friday, December 05, 2008

Silly of Me

Here's another Bop. I'm coming to really dig this form for certain purposes. This poem isn't as good as I envisioned it conceptually, but there's still time.

The wind kisses the ocean's back,
waves rise like goosebumps,
fall soft as footsteps on damp sand.
The brown skin of the beach glistens
with the lines sung by
the surf's rolling tongue.

I imagine you curling your hair
or changing the Band-Aid on your finger.
Choosing between black heeled boots
or suede, wool lined slippers.
An expression descends your face
swift as Vietnamese swallows winging
through a name, startling as
the backwards knees of a Flamingo.

Tonight, you might follow
a string of numbers to this table.
Then wrinkle your nose above a smile
that curves like a bowling ball
down a shiny lane, before striking
all ten of my heart's wobbly pins.

1 comment:

Alan said...

I didn't really have any suggestions for this poem. I've read this poem before and enjoyed it each time. The only thing I would suggest is getting rid of the second "the" in the first stanza. So instead of:

"the waves rise like goosebumps,"

it's "waves rise like goosebumps."

At first I didn't know how I felt about the bowling ball image for the smile, but it works. I like how the image of her smile slowly curving.